Header  Katrina Tagget
...Your Life Matters
Katrina Tagget Memorial Foundation


Welcome to the Kara Tagget Open, sponsored by the Howard County Aging Hackers Association (HAHA), a men’s golf league at Waverly Golf Course. The Kara Tagget Open has raised over $130,00 and has donated all proceeds to the Katrina Tagget Memorial Foundation (KTMF). KTMF is a non-profit organization 501(c)(3) dedicated to providing awareness and education of mental illness and suicide prevention.

Katrina “Kara” Tagget was 21 years old when she died by suicide on September 20, 2008. Katrina was a loving daughter and sister, caring friend, and passionate and dedicated student who found time to give to others. Unfortunately, Katrina’s depression and anxiety was not properly diagnosed and treated which led to her suicide.

KTMF was founded by our family to honor and remember Katrina. By sharing Katrina’s story, we hope to erase the shame, silence and stigma of mental illness and suicide. The mission of KTMF is to be an avenue to help the thousands who face the challenges of mental illness and to those who suffer the loss of a loved one to suicide.  KTMF’s goal is to educate, encourage, and inspire  others to live a life of hope. Please consider supporting this event in any way you can and help us to tell everyone, “Your Life Matters”.

2018 Flyer        2018 Trifold Brochure        2018 Sponsor Letter       





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Kara Tagget Open


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The Katrina Tagget Memorial Foundation is a 501c3  tax exempt foundation.  Donations made are tax deductible. Tax ID 26-4545775.